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my brand of heroin

if you think you know me...read my blog and think again
Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you

eternal beauty

an ordinary girl with a super extraordinary life
i party till dawn
i do whatever i want
and all because...
I'm a girl.
And a beautiful one too.

love till death

*my friends
*sleeping in
*vanilla ice cream
*walking in the rain
*and so many other things


*people telling me what to do
*waking early on weekends
*the place i live in

dream about

*meet prince charming
*go to Taiwan already
*wisdom, knowledge & talent
*friends forever
*win the lottery

hear your thoughts


July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009

and now...run


my lullaby

Juro Que Te Amo (CDS) - David Bisbal-www.Bajandoalbums.com


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Sunday, January 25, 2009

big brother

the world has gone mad...you know what's worst than your family prying into your personal life and having no privacy whatsoever? you don't? let me tell you...it's complete strangers prying into your life.

what's this have to do with me or how it affects me? well a few days ago some "brilliant" man (i suspect he has no life of himself and got bored watching the same lame shows on TV)suggested that a law should be passed so that all the phone calls shall be traced, listened too and recorded. and you know what's even worst? the fact that there were other idiots who thought that this law was great. so starting this week all the phone calls, e-mails and sms are recorded and will be used as proof against you if they're considered as a threat to public safty.

who do they think they are? this is BLOODY OUTRAGEOUS.

what they're planning on finding out from listenig to my calls or reading my mail is beyond me. oh wait i know...they wanna know how my diabolically master plan on skipping school or my job works. or they wanna know what i ate for breakfast, how many caffees i drink a day, or how many time i use the toilet. or maybe they just wanna know the latest gossip and they're just to lazy to read it in the newspaper. or maybe they started to suspect that i'm planning on throwing a rotten tomato(maybe an egg would be better though) to our president head(i've actually considered the possibility already).

dude there's nothing to find out from listeing to my calls. nothing intresting there. i tell you my life ain't that exciting. actually it is, especially the last few months :D but it's mine and mine only.

i have enough of my mum poking into my personal things. i don't need the national secret service to do it too.

there goes all my privacy. i can actually see it flying off my bedroom window right now. *waves goodbye to the freedom and sheds a tear". who knows when we'll meet again.

so grab your popcorn, get comfy cause Big Brother came back and he's watching you. and since they're listening to everyone, might as well set some cameras so they can watch us too. i'm sure it will more entertaining to put some faces to the voices.


8:23 PM

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Christmas...the holiday i love the most. it's the holiday i wait for 364 days a year. i don't remember when i started to love Christmas so much, but i don't think it matters that much after all.

i love everything connected to Christmas, from the lights on the streets to the Christmas dinner me and my mum prepare for our loved ones.

i enjoy so much walking around the city streets and look at all the nice decorated windows. i like to watch how people run around looking for that perfect gift that would make someone really happy on Christmas morning. i like the way the snow fells under my feet(though this year hasn't snowed yet). i like the way that everyone seems a little bit nicer this time of year. i like the way the city looks when i go out during the nights, all full of coloful little lights.

i like to see the little children who still believe in Santa, sitting on his lap in the parks or the big stores. and how they promise that they've been good this year hoping to get the toy they wish for so much.
i like to sound of our traditional Christmas carols. they make this time of year a bit magical.

but most of all i love decorating my Christmas tree. every year on on Chritmsa Eve i enjoy taking my time putting all the decorations around the house. and i like the fact that during this time nobody bothers me. it's like this simple activity gives me peace.

and i love to watch over and over again the old Christmas movies. it doesn't matter i've seen them so many times i've learned the lines, i still enjoy them as if it were the first time i saw them.

i love to sit on my bedroom window and watch the snow fall and covering the ground in a white soft blanket.
i miss my childhood Christmases spent at my grandparents home in the mountains where the time seened to stop with every winter.

no matter what people say this is the most wonderful time of the year. so i wish you all a Merry Christmas!!!


10:08 PM

Monday, December 22, 2008


So a week has past since the concert but i still think everything was just a dream.
I still have a hard time finding the right words to describe the feelings i had before, during and after the concerts.
And i still cannot believe that after a long seven years wait i finally met my favorite artist face to face.
It's true i've seen him before in concerts and it was an amazing experience, but nothing came close to this year's meeting. once again he proved that he is an amazing person. a down to earth, friendly guy who with his personality can win the respect of everyone he meets. Even those who weren’t his fans or didn’t like him before the concert were won over by this guy.

Anyhow the concert was more than I ever expected it to be. The concert hall full with people that came from all over the country to see him. People who love him to bits and pieces. People who were expecting to have the best of time at this concert. And they did, they had the best of time. And all thanks to the great artist that David is. He took to scene by storm, full of energy like he does it at every concert. But this time it was different because it was in Romania, in a country that waited patiently for him for seven years now. But that wait was so worth it. The two hours the show lasted he didn’t stand still for one moment, jumping and running on the stage. It always amazed me how well he does it, singing(live- I admire him so much for the fact that he refuses to do play back in the concerts) and dancing/jumping/running all at the same time. But I guess this just shows how much he loves what he does.
All in all it was a great show. The only bad thing about it all is that it ended to fast. But mean while I’ll wait patiently for the next concert, and I’m sure it’s gonna be better than this one.

And also thanks to all the love for him i got the chance to met some awesome persons. Like some of them said he is our angel. and no other word can describe him better.



7:38 PM

Monday, December 1, 2008

1st of December

this entry might be a little unexpected coming from me. and i'll tell you why. in my group of friends and not only i'm not what you call the most nationalist ot patriot.
i'm the one who's always ready to leave the country in search for my happiness and a better future somewhere else. and i have to say i've lived for a while in Spain. and i don't regret one single day i spent there. but no matter how many friends i had there i still missed my country, my people, my family.

anyhow i could not let this day pass without writing something about it. well today is 1st of December our National Day. Today our precious country turns 90. 90 years ago on a freezing winter day delegations from all of the romanian provinces went to Alba Iulia to be united in what is today Romani. from my point of view i think it's still young.
we have a glorious past of which we are proud, but it's only up to us to build a future which i hope could live up to our past.

however the reason i'm so willing to leave, it's not that i don't like my country. i love it, it's the most beautiful country in the world because it's mine.
it's the people that run it that i hate and despise, the ones from now that is.

i love my country because it has a great history, with great historical figures who fought and sacrificed for our freedom and our independence. and i hate the politicians today that are ready to seal it for their personal purpose.
i love it because it gave the world great personalities like Brincusi, Cioran, Henri Coanda. i love my people because no matter how bad things are they never forget to smile, to sing and dance. i love them because they never give up and keep on fighting for what they believe in.

so what if not everybody sees us with good eyes? so what if we are not perfect? i couldn't care less how many bad things others say about us.
all that matters is that i am pround of who i am and i'm not ashamed to say that i'm Romanian.

so this is my country. not perfect in the eyes of the others, but perfect in mines.
a country with great, kind and warm people, with breathtaking landscapes wating to be descovered by those who are willing to give it a chance.

Hora Unirii

5:37 PM

Saturday, November 22, 2008

just rambling

i'm getting more and more anxious about the concert. now that i've already bought the ticket(and gone broke) i can't wait for December 11th to come already. plus these days i'm re-descovering my love, passion, obsession for David. i kinda forgot how much i love his voice. as a friend of mine a long time ago said he has the voice of an angel. you can't listen to him and not get touched by his powerful yet passionate voice. as for me all i can say is that i cried when i first heard him sing :P


9:56 PM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


omg i'm so excited. i'm practically jumping up and down now :D

after oh so may year one of my favourite spanish artists is coming to Romania. and it doesn't really matter that i've already been to three of his concerts while i stayed in Spain, cause he's such an amazing artist, and each and every one of his concert is unique. and he's the type of artist that gives everything on the stage. and he's a a nice caring simple modest guy, with a big heart and the voice of gold. not to mention the way he moves those hips.... lets just say he would make lots of people jealous. plus he never forgets where he left from and he treats his fans like family members. and if you get the chance to meet him in the street he doesn't mind stopping to talk to his fans for a while. and i'm proud to say that i've been his fan from the first day i saw him six years ago.

but the most important thing is that i'm going to the concert, even though the ticket is 150 Euros and i'll be pretty much broke for a few weeks. gosh this is the best Christmas present so far

David Bisbal


1:58 PM